We keep you informed of our business happenings and post about a variety of subjects on architecture.
Building-Integrated Photovoltaics in Complex Climates
Building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) have become a more discussed idea to allow designers the ability to create architecture without the need to consider investing and installing bulky, visible systems that contribute to technology waste after the cells life cycle.
Musings on the Thorncrown Chapel and its architecture
Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright’s protégé’s E. Fay Jones, this 48’ tall Gothic timber cathedral is a true expression of vernacular architecture.
We welcome a new Kansas State University intern: Ben Yerich
Currently a fourth-year student at Kansas State University, Ben joins DMA for a 6-month internship.
The DMA staff is growing and we welcome Andy Bocardo as one of our CAD Specialists
Andy Bocardo joins our staff as one of our CAD Specialists.
A new Architect-in-Training joins our staff: Atia Rahman
Atia Rahman has recently joined DMA as an Architect-in-Training. We are glad to have this young, bright women join our firm. With a Master in Architecture, she is a wonderful addition to our team.
We welcome our new architecture student intern, Evan Demuth!
Evan joined us early January from Kansas State University. She is creative, a fast learner and a great addition to our team.
It’s a good time to remodel
Interest rates are historically low for refinancing and lines of credit, and easy to get for people who are longtime home owners in Teton County and who have seen their property values rise in the last few decades.
The Corn Palace of Mitchell, South Dakota
The Corn Palace, commonly advertised as The World's Only Corn Palace and the Mitchell Corn Palace, is a multi-purpose arena/facility located in Mitchell, SD.
Welcome to our new architect intern!
We are happy to welcome our new architect intern, Ethan Moulder. Ethan is Chris Moulder’s son and a promising future architect.
The Art of Placement to Create a Sense of Place
Merely providing a scheme for the arrangement of spaces is not enough. It is the responsibility of the architect to not only create a scheme that reflects the advice and consent of those who will inhabit the space.
Teardown, salvage, and design
The unusual and dramatic story of a Jackson Hole old home turned into a safe, modern and spacious home.
The future Jackson Hole Fire/EMS Station 1 Expansion
What is the project’s stage and a sneak peak at the future building architecture.
The Challenge and Opportunity of Design for Cold Climates
The successful design of warm and comfortable homes for high country dwellers is dependent upon how well certain crucial aspects of design are addressed.
5 most common types of staircases
If you are considering or replacing a staircase in your new or remodeled home, here is an introduction to the five types that are mostly installed.
On architecture and ethics
Do architects have a moral obligation when it comes to choosing work in countries with suspect governments?
The initial meeting with your architect
Meeting for the first time with the architect you chose can feel overwhelming. Knowing what to expect can prepare you for it.
The whole building process in 10 steps
Getting a project built is a long process, we explain ours succintly.
The preservation of former Sweetwater restaurant is looking promising.
DMA's architect Kurt Dubbe, our historic preservationist, has joined Holland's team to oversee the renovation and preservation of this iconic log cabin.
7 reasons to hire an architect
Many people choose to bypass the services of an architect and manage themselves the construction of their home, along with the help of a contractor only.